Interim Week # 3 of 3
Monday 12/25/2023
CLOSED, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Tuesday 12/26/2023
A1. Weighted Supinated Pull Up, 4 sets of 5-7, building (Rx+ Ring Muscle Up, 3 -5)
A2. Dual DB/KB Reverse Lunges (Rx+ Bar Front Rack), 4 sets of 6-8/side, across
1,000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Pull Ups
Wednesday 12/27/2023
Partner Conditioning:
3 Rounds For Time
50 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
50 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
50 Medicine Ball Sit Ups (20/14)
50 Box Jump Overs
Note: break up reps as desired
Thursday 12/28/2023
3 Position Snatch
20 minutes, building
12 minute AMRAP
4 Back Squats (135/95, Rx+ 185/125 from the floor)
12 Toes to Bar
48 Double Unders
Friday 12/29/2023
A1. Split Jerk, 8 sets of 2, building
A2. Deadlift, 8 sets of 3, building
EMOM for 15
M1: 8-10 Strict Presses (75/55, Rx+ 95/65)
M2: 8-10/side Gorilla Row (2×20/2×12, Rx+ 2×24, 2×16)
M3: 12/10 Calorie Row
Saturday 12/30/2023
โNYEโ For Time
31 Handstand Push Ups
31 Power Cleans (75/65, Rx+ 95/65)
31 Pull Ups
31 Thrusters (75/65, Rx+ 95/65)
31 Box Jumps
31 Toes to Bar
31 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/65, Rx+ 95/65)
31 Wall Balls
31 Walking Lunges/side
31 Burpees
365 m Row