Week # 6 of 6
Monday 10/17/2022
Back Squat
Build to an 8 rep max
21-15-9 reps of:
Back Squat (95/65, Rx+ 135/95)
Pull Up
Tuesday 10/18/2022
Power Clean and Jerk
Find a 2 rep max for the day.
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Wednesday 10/19/2022
A1. Kettlebell Snatch, 4 sets of 10-12/side, building
A2. Kettlebell Crush Grip Hollow Flutter Kicks, 4 sets of 20-30/side
24 minute alternating EMOM:
M1: ME Hand to Hand Russian Kettlebell Swings
M2: ME Wall Sit
M3: ME Box Step Ups
M4: ME Tall Plank KB/DB Drag (8kg/12kg, 20/30)
Thursday 10/20/2022
A1. Tempo Goblet Cyclist Squat (31X1), 4 sets of 8-10, building (Rx+ Dual KB/DB Front Rack)
A2. Parallette Push Ups, 4 sets of 2 RIR (25 minimum total over the 4 sets) (Rx+ 20 inch Feet Elevated)
A3. Strict Toes to Bar, 4 sets of 2 RIR (Rx+ Tempo, 30X1)
15 minute AMRAP:
3 Wall Walks (Rx+ 6 Strict Handstand Push Ups)
9 Wall Balls (20/14)
12/9 Calorie Row
Pattern/Energy System: Full Body Push,, Aerobic
Friday 10/21/2022
A1. Strict Supinated Chest to Bar Pull Up, Accumulate 30-40 reps in a few sets as possible
A2. Sumo Deadlift, 4 sets of 7, building
8 Rounds For Time:
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
5 Toes to Bar
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges (50/35)
25 Double Under
Saturday 10/22/2022
A1. Seated Strict Press, 3 sets of 8, building
A2. Single Leg Box Step Up + Knee Drive, 3 sets of 8/side, building
A3. Double or Triple Under Practice, 3 sets
Partner Conditioning
2,000m Row
100 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
80 Burpee Box Jump Overs
60 Front Squats (95)
40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Rx+ 20 Bar Muscle Ups)
Note: partition as desired