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Hyrox (July 24, 27)

Wednesday 7/24 (36 minutes) 90sec “On” 30 sec “Off” x 3 Rounds Saturday 7/27 (Time Cap: 55mins) 2 Rounds for time: Additional Rx+ Note: Up

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Hyrox (July 17 and 20)

Wednesday, July 17: A. 12’ AMRAP of: 25m Sled Pull 25 Wall Balls 25 Ski Calories B. 12’ AMRAP of: 25 Row Calories 25m Burpee

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Coaching and Being Coached

CrossFit NYC is an all coaching facility. Other than during specifically designated Open Gym times, we run classes. Unlike most group fitness classes, CrossFit NYC

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Questions for Coach Brian

Submit Questions for Coach Brian DeGennaro Brian’s athletic career began in high school, where he trained in gymnastics and competed in track and field (and

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CrossFit versus Hyrox

The Distinction Between CrossFit and Hyrox CrossFit is a training methodology. Hyrox is a sport. CrossFit is the equivalent of a broad-based fitness “education.”  Hyrox

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