Week # 4 of 6
Monday 11/20/2023
Hang Squat Snatch
10 sets of 2, building
4 Rounds For Time
12 Overhead Squats (95/65, Rx+ Hang Squat Snatches)
12 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
36 Double Unders
Tuesday 11/21/2023
10 sets of 3, across
3 Rounds
15 Pull Ups (Rx+ Chest to Bar)
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Power Cleans (115/75, Rx+ 155/105)
Rest 1 minute b/w rounds
Wednesday 11/22/2023
30 minutes
40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest/ transition
S1: Hang Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
S2: Box Step Ups (Rx+ Goblet)
S3: V-Ups
S4: Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25)
S5: Ski Jumps
Rate Play Row 27min
> continuous 27min row but change the rating every 3 minutes as follows. Rating trumps pace. In other words, Your ability to maintain the stroke rating takes precedence over your target pace.
0-3: 22spm
3-6: 24spm
6-9: 22spm
9-12: 25spm
12-15: 22spm
15-18: 26spm
18-21: 22spm
21-24: 27spm
24-27: 22spm
Thursday 11/23/2023
Partner Workout
The โturkeyโ may not touch the floor, for time (can pass from partner to partner):
1 mile run with 20/14# โturkeyโ
10 rounds of โCindyโ
1,000m Row
10 rounds of โCindyโ
1 mile run with 20/14# โturkeyโ
A WOD, in a WOD, in a WOD. Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday 11/24/2023
A1. Power Clean, 4 sets of 4 w/ a pause in the catch, building
A2. Back Squat, 8-6-4-2, building
For Time
30 Front Squats (115/75, Rx+ 155/105)
30 Deadlifts (115/75, Rx+ 155/105)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 RKBS (24/16, Rx+ 32/24)
Saturday 11/25/2023
A1. Kipping Practice (culminate into Bar MU or Toes to Bar practice), 3-4 sets
A2. Ring Dips, 3-4 sets of 5-10 reps (Rx+ 32X1 tempo)
16 minute AMRAP
2 Wall Walk
4 Alternating Dumbbell Clean and Jerk (50/35)
8 Tuck Ups (Rx+ MB weighted)
12/9 Calorie Row
Row 10 x 2min, Rest 1min
> Stroke Rating trumps pace! Do all odd-numbered intervals at 18spm and even-numbered intervals at 26spm. Scores that deviate by more than 1spm off of these ratings are not valid..