Week # 2 of 6
Monday 9/19/2022
Back Squat
8 sets of 4, building
14 minute AMRAP:
8 Single Arm Dumbbell Front Rack Squats (right) (50/35)
8 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Snatches (right) (50/35)
32 Double Unders
8 Single Arm Dumbbell Front Rack Squats (left) (50/35)
8 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Snatches (left) (50/35)
32 Double Unders
Tuesday 9/20/2022
Power Clean and Jerk
3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1, building
Every 2 minutes for 7 sets:
9 Deadlifts
7 Hang Power Cleans
5 Shoulder to Overhead
Note: build in weight each set if able
Wednesday 9/21/2022
Part A.
EMOM for 10 Minutes
Max Wattage Row or Bike
Part B.
10 Rounds For Time:
10 Walking Lunges (5/leg)
5 Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
5 No Push Up Burpees
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
5 Box Jump Overs
Thursday 9/22/2022
A1. Tempo Goblet Cyclist Squat (31X1), 4 sets of 8-10, building (Rx+ Dual KB/DB Front Rack)
A2. Parallette Push Ups, 4 sets of 2 RIR (25 minimum total over the 4 sets) (Rx+ 20 inch Feet Elevated)
A3. Strict Toes to Bar, 4 sets of 2 RIR (Rx+ Tempo, 30X1)
14 minute EMOM:
M1: 6-7 Overhead Squats (95/65, Rx 115/75)
M2: 12-14 Burpees Over Bar
Friday 9/23/2022
A1. Strict Supinated Chest to Bar Pull Up, Accumulate 22-32 reps in a few sets as possible
A2. Sumo Deadlift, 7-7-6-6-5-5, building
For Time:
50 American Kettlebell Swings (24/16, Rx+ 28/20)
40 Calorie Row
30 Pull Ups
25 American Kettlebell Swings
20 Calorie Row
15 Pull Ups
Saturday 9/24/2022
A1. Seated Strict Press, 3 sets of 8, across (max reps on the final/3rd set)
A2. Single Leg Box Step Up + Knee Drive, 3 sets of 8/side, building
A3. Double or Triple Under Practice, 3 sets
For time:
1 Mile Run
Then complete:
8 rounds
5 Wall Balls
10 Medicine Ball Sit Ups
20 Mountain Climbers
30 Russian Twists