Black Box Hyrox Update

There has been very high demand for the Saturday Black Box Hyrox classes at 28th Street, so we are expanding the number of classes and making them available to all members from both locations.

Starting January 6, the Saturday 8:30 AM WOD at 28th Street will switch to a Black Box Hyrox class (with an option for Open Gym).

Members report that Black Box Hyrox classes are tremendous fun and a great way to demonstrate the fitness they are building through CrossFit. (Higher 1RM Back Squat = Faster Sled Push, etc.)

The format of these classes is less formal. The movements are more basic, and the classes are run more like a fitness race (which is exactly what Hyrox is). There is also greater opportunity to socialize during these classes (which are open to drop-ins who do not need to have CrossFit experience).

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