Interim Week # 2 of 4

Monday 12/16/2024


Front Squat

 Build to a heavy set of 3 then drop weight by 25% and perform an AMRAP set


6 Rounds For Time

3 Squat Cleans (135/95, Rx+ 185/125)

3 Shoulder to Overhead

9/7 Calorie Row

Rest 1 minute b/w rounds

Tuesday 12/17/2024


A1. Weighted Strict Pull Up, 4 sets of 3-5, across

A2. Back Rack Reverse Lunge, 4 sets of 6-8/side, across


For Time

50 Pull Ups (Rx+ C2B)

100 Double Unders

50 American Kettlebell Swings (24/16)ย 

Wednesday 12/18/2024


A. Sled Push Practice 3 x 25m (building)โ€จโ€จ

B. 12โ€™ AMRAP of:

โ€จโ€ข 360m Ski

โ€ข 24 Sandbag Walking Lunge @ 10/20kgโ€จ

โ€ข 12m Sled Pull

C. 12โ€™ AMRAP of:

โ€จโ€ข 360m Row

โ€ข 24 Double Dumbbell Alternating Push Press

โ€ข 12 Burpee Broad Jumps

Thursday 12/19/2024


A1. Handstand Push Up, Accumulate 35 reps

A2. Back Squat (155/105, 225/155, 275/185), Accumulate 35 reps


15 minute AMRAP

5 Wall Balls (20/14)

10 Push Ups

15 Sit Ups

Friday 12/20/2024


Power Clean

3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1, building


5 Rounds For Time

6 Toes to Bar (Rx+ 3 Bar Muscle Ups)

6 Deadlifts (95/65, Rx+ 115/75)

6 Hang Power Cleans

18/15 Calorie Row

Saturday 12/21/2024


For time:โ€จโ€จ

โ€ข 200m Farmer Carry @ 2×16/2x24kg

โ€ข 50 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lbโ€จ

โ€ข 500m Run

โ€ข 50 Ski or Row Calories

โ€ข 40 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lbโ€จ

โ€ข 500m Runโ€จโ€จ

โ€ข 40 Ski or Row Calories

โ€ข 30 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lb

โ€ข 500m Run

โ€ข 30 Ski or Row Calories

โ€ข 20 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lbโ€จ

โ€ข 500m Run

โ€ข 20 Ski or Row Calories

โ€จโ€จโ€ข 10 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lb

โ€จโ€ข 500m Run

โ€ข 10 Ski or Row Calories

* For every break in the Wall Balls, immediately complete 10 Burpees

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