Week # 3 of 6

Monday 9/23/2024


Back Squat

7 sets of 3, across


9 minute AMRAP

3 Strict Pull Ups

6 Toes to Bar

9 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Tuesday 9/24/2024


A1. Handstand Push Up, Accumulate 30-33 reps

A2. 1 Clean Pull + 1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Below the Knee Power Clean, 4 sets, building


Heavy “Grace”

30 Clean and Jerks For Time (155/105, Rx+ 185/125)

Wednesday 9/25/2024


A. E5MOM x 4:โ€จโ€จ

โ€ข 25m Sled Push @ 3/5 plates

โ€ข 16 DB Bench Press @ 2×25/2x50lbโ€จ or 16 Push-ups

โ€ข 16 Lying Leg Raisesโ€จ

โ€ข 16 Ski Calories or 12 Bike Calories

โ€จโ€จB. E5MOM x 4:โ€จโ€จ

โ€ข 16 Double DB S2O @ 2×20/2x35lb 

โ€จโ€ข 16 Double DB Walking Lunges @ 2×20/2x35lb

โ€จโ€ข 100m Front-loaded KB Carry @ @ 2×16/2x24kg

โ€จโ€ข 100m Farmer Carry @ 2×16/2x24kg

Thursday 9/19/2024


A1. Strict Ring Dips (Rx+ Weighted), 3 sets of 8-10

A2. Dumbbell Box Step Up, 3 sets of 5/side, across


For Time

1,000/800m Row

50 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Jerks (50/35, 25/side)

50 Dumbbell Goblet Squat (50/35)

Friday 9/20/2024


Touch and Go Power Snatch



45 Deadlifts (185/125, Rx+ 275/185)

180 Double Undersย 

Saturday 9/21/2024


Part A: Sled Pull Practice 4-5 x 12m (Building)

โ€จโ€จPart B: For time with a 10 Burpee penalty to be completed at the top of the next round for every stop or drop on the Wall Ball…โ€จโ€จ

โ€ข 50 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lbโ€จ

โ€ข 21 Russian Kettlebell Swing @ 24/32kgโ€จ

โ€ข 500m Run

โ€จโ€จโ€ข 40 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lbโ€จ

โ€ข 18 Russian Kettlebell Swing @ 24/32kgโ€จ

โ€ข 500m Runโ€จโ€จ

โ€ข 30 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lbโ€จ

โ€ข 15 Russian Kettlebell Swing @ 24/32kgโ€จ

โ€ข 500m Runโ€จโ€จ

โ€ข 20 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lbโ€จ

โ€ข 12 Russian Kettlebell Swing @ 24/32kg

โ€ข 500m Runโ€จโ€จ

โ€ข 10 Wall Ball* @ 14/20lb

โ€จโ€ข 9 Russian Kettlebell Swing @ 24/32kgโ€จ

โ€ข 500m Run

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