Week # 5 of 6
Monday 8/19/2024
A. Push Press, 3 sets of 3, building
B. Split Jerk, 3 sets of 3, building
EMOM for 15
M1: 12-15 Dual KB Sumo Deadlift (2×24/2x16kg, Rx+ 2×32/2x24kg)
M2: 8-10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
M3: 10-12 Calorie Row
Tuesday 8/20/2024
Back Squat
1 set of 15
4 Rounds
2 minute AMRAP
7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
7 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65, Rx+ 135/95)
Double Under with remaining time
1 minute REST
Wednesday 8/21/2024
A. 3 x 3min AMREP; Rest 1min
- 18 Backrack Walking Lunge @ 10kg/20kg
- Ski Max Calories or Max Shuttle Runย
B. 3 x 3min AMREP; Rest 1min
- 9 Double KB Romanian Deadlifts @ 2x16kg/2x24kg
- Bike Max Calories
C. 3 x 3min AMREP; Rest 1min
- 9 Burpee Box Get Over @ 30โ/40โ
- Row Max Calories
D. 3 x 3min AMREP; Rest 1min
Sled Push Max Meters @ 3/5 plates (45s)
18 Alternating DB Hang Power Snatch @ 35/50lb
Thursday 8/22/2024
A. Weighted Supinated Pull Up, 12 minutes to build to a heavy double
B. Deadlift, 12 minutes to build to a heavy double
Power Snatch (95/65, Rx+ 115/75)
Toes to Bar
Friday 8/23/2024
Every 2:30 for 7 Rounds
M1: 9-12 Handstand Push Ups (Rx+ Strict)
M2: 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Hang Squat Clean, building
15 minute AMRAP
10 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)(Rx+ 115/75)
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Shoulder to Overhead
15/12 Calorie Row
20 Shoulder to Overhead
15/12 Calorie Row
Saturday 8/24/2024
1000m Run
25m Sled Pull @ 3/5 plates (45s)
50 Wall Balls @ 14/20lb
1000m Run
500m Ski or Bike
50 Goblet Reverse Lunges @ 35/50
1000m Run
500m Row
50 Half Burpees
1000m Run